Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ditagged :)

wah ! aku ditagged :) hehe..ingat nak setelkan lepas raya.maklumlah sekarang ini sibuk sangat.ada kesempatan untuk menjawab tag ini.aku gunalah.tak nak kerja bertangguh la :D thanks samemey :)
Rules & Regulations
Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own blog and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people.
Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1)Who sleeps in bed next to you?
adik perempuan aku ;)
2)Have you ever lied to a boyfriend to get out of something?
tak selalu..erk ? haha..
3)What kind of kuih raya did you make?
kuih tetunjuk saja ;D
4)Best day of the week?
bila hati senang setiap hari seronok.
5)What's really creepy?
entah la nyah ! mentimun laut kot ~
6)What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
berblogging..yippie ^^
7)What are the color of your baju raya?
biru tandanya aman ;)
8) What did you eat for break fast today?
sahur tadi nasi dengan daging masak sambal !
9)What is your aim for this raya?
aim for duit raya..miahahah :D so apa lagi bloggers ?
10)What was the last thing you bought?
selendang biru ^^
11)What was the cutest thing you've seen recently?
arnabun di rumah :) 
 12)Does the cute thing above affect your mood?
sudah semestinya bebeh.
13)What is your zodiac sign?
aquarius ;)
14)Do you want to learn other skills?
hendak sangat !
15)5 things you can't live without?
family , boyfie , lappy , handphone ,internet
16)If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
adalah :)
17)What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
pon adalah :))
18)What are you looking forward to?
habis belajar 2012 !!!
19)Say something to the person who tagged you.
samemey ! selamat hari raya babe..raya sudi la datang pondok buruk aku oke :)


fara said...

Thanks dear sbb tag!
nnti fara wat ye.
salam aidilfitri :)

KE said...

aku pun kena ke.

hahaha ok!

HanisAzla said...

TQ dear... InsyaAllah nnt akak buat tagged ni.. skrg ni rasanya x sempatlah.. dah x ckp tangan dah ni..he..he.. anyway thanks yer Hana.. Selamat Hari Raya..

unknown said...

weee..tq2..nnrt ak wat ea.selmat hari raya...

ainasuhana said...

1st time kne tagged..
sblm ni tak paham..haha
yelah baru belajar lagi kan..hehehe