Monday, June 13, 2011

10 days picture challenge - Day 5

Day 5 - A photo of you making funny face.

assalamualaikum ! hello readers :') hey this one is a lil bit hard for me to put up because most of photo of me making a funny face were taken without hijab . in this picture i tried not to show my hair from public view and this is the photo taken by me at McD Subang with friend few months ago :)

*this entry a part of the 10 Day Picture Challenge


~naddy~ said...

haha. comel. :p

misyamissyou said...

hahaha..xtau nk ckp ape.. XD

Unknown said...

maceh nadd :D

hehek tak pe aku memahami >.<

olen said...

wahhhh! hahah~

Unknown said...

hehe :D

haffizmohdnoor said...

love your teeth.. hehe funny :D

JOM join lucky draw Apis yep :D

Azizah green line said...

huiyoo~~ reject2!

Unknown said...

@cik azizah
alamak terus reject ker jah ?

aLiEm KaKaShi said...

mcm knal jek pic nie...

Unknown said...

@aliem kakashi
heee kenal ek ? :p

aLiEm KaKaShi said...

nie bkn pic yg ko amek kat mcd tu ke....

Unknown said...

@aliem kakashi
aah lo..yang haruk tuh >.<